Tooth Removal & Extractions

Dental tools for tooth extraction

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, are experiencing severe pain, or have extreme decay, there’s a chance you might need to have a tooth removed. This is known as an extraction. An extraction might seem like a significant ordeal, but Dr. Stephen Barker and his team make sure you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

At Barker Dentistry & Implant Center, our number one priority will always be to save your tooth. Unless it’s an impacted wisdom tooth, we will always look for any possibilities of repairing it through processes such as root canals, crowns, and oral surgery.

If we ultimately decide an extraction is necessary, we will go over the process with you, so you know exactly what to expect. This includes going over important aftercare instructions to follow for a faster healing process.

What’s the Extraction Process Like?

Before the procedure, we will always numb the area with a local anesthetic. Sedation is also an option, especially for those who have a lot of dental anxiety.

If the tooth is impacted, we will need to open the gum to access it. Depending on its position, we may also need to cut it into smaller pieces first. Otherwise, the process involves simply grasping the tooth with a special tool and gradually removing it from the jawbone.

You will not experience any pain and only feel some slight pressure. After the procedure, you will typically feel some discomfort. However, you may take over-the-counter pain relievers or anything we may prescribe to relieve it.

What are the Benefits of a Tooth Extraction?

  • No more pain and discomfort
  • A healthier smile
  • Stops the spread of infection
  • Can prevent other oral health issues from developing

Need a Tooth Extraction in Conroe, TX?

If you’re experiencing tooth pain or discomfort, seeing an expert dentist is the best thing you can do to maintain good oral health. Contact Barker Dentistry & Implant Center today to schedule a consultation.

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